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This painting is about world famous river seine,the Seine not only captures our imaginations in the present day: it has mesmerized and seduced those who encounter it since pre-medieval times. Neatly dividing the city of Paris into distinctive left and right banks (rive gauche and rive droite), the river has served as a source of sustenance, commerce, and breathtaking perspectives since a Celtic tribe of fishermen known as the Parisii decided to settle between its banks, on the tiny strip of land today.

Born on the top of a mountain, the little spring dances her way down. The stream of water sings as she travels. She wants to go fast. She is unable to go slowly. Running, rushing, is the only way, maybe even flying. She wants to arrive. Arrive where? Arrive at the ocean. She has heard of the deep, blue , beautiful ocean. To become one with the ocean, that is what she wants.

river sienna painting

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